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Introduction to Quantum Computing

· 12 min read
Eason Xie
Some Random Tree

The basics of quantum computing and some hands-on trying.


  • Basic Maths — linear algebra
  • Basic quantum mechanics concepts — Superposition, the Uncertainty Principle, and Entanglement
  • Basic Python
  • Imagination power

Quantum Mechanics

“The mathematical framework of quantum theory has passed countless successful tests and is now universally accepted as a consistent and accurate description of all atomic phenomena.” ~ Erwin Schrödinger

We will not be talking about the advanced maths or concepts of quantum mechanics in this blog post, such as the Uncertainty Principle or the Schrödinger Equation, but I'll assume you know the main principles of Quantum Mechanics, including Superposition, Wave-Particle Duality, the Uncertainty Principle, and Entanglement. The concept of qubits and quantum circuits gates will be explained below.


In normal semiconductor computers, each "bit" can only represent two values: 0 and 1, which can be used in calculations as low and high voltage. However, in quantum computers, "qubits" (quantum bit) are used. Now instead of representing only 0 or 1, it can now represent 0 and 1 simultaneously. It carries a "state" ψ|\psi\rangle (written in Bra-ket notation), which is a vector defined as followed in a qubit:

ψ=α0+β1|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle


α2+β2=1|\alpha|^2 + |\beta|^2 = 1

to ensure the state is normalized. α\alpha and β\beta represents the amplitudes of the qubit in the 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle states respectively, and are complex numbers. To get the probability of measuring a certain state 0|0\rangle or 1|1\rangle from ψ|\psi\rangle, we can apply the Born rule (given that 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle are orthonormal, which means orthogonal and normalized):

P(0)=0ψ2P(0) = |\langle0|\psi\rangle|^2


P(1)=1ψ2.P(1) = |\langle1|\psi\rangle|^2.

Now, if we have two qubits entangled, we can represent 22=42^2 = 4 states (00,01,10,1100, 01, 10, 11), each associated with a probability.

ψ=c10+c21|\psi\rangle = c_1 |0\rangle + c_2 |1\rangle ϕ=c30+c41|\phi\rangle = c_3 |0\rangle + c_4 |1\rangle combined=c1c300+c1c401+c2c310+c2c411|combined\rangle = c_1c_3 |00\rangle + c_1c_4 |01\rangle + c_2c_3 |10\rangle + c_2c_4 |11\rangle

The power of quantum computing is you can represent 2n2^n states if you have nn qubits, which is an exponential growth. For example, if you have 20 qubits, you can encode a superposition over all 220=10485762^{20} = 1048576 basis states simultaneously, but in a classical computer, 20 bits can only be in 1 of the 2202^{20} possible configurations at any given time. Similarly, a system with 266 qubits would have a state space with a dimensionality on the order of 108010^{80}, which is roughly equivalent to the estimated number of atoms in the observable universe! When qubits are entangled, quantum gates (which are unitary operations) act on the entire state vector, modifying the amplitudes of all basis states via quantum interference. This ability to manipulate a vast, exponentially large state space is central to the potential power of quantum computing. Now we will talk about these quantum gates.


To visualize a single qubit, you can use the Bloch Sphere: Bloch Sphere The z-axis corresponds to the probability in being measured in 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle. X-axis and y-axis also corresponds to being measured in +|+\rangle, |-\rangle, +i|+i\rangle, and i|-i\rangle respectively.

+=12(0+1)|+\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle + |1\rangle)=12(01)|-\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle - |1\rangle)+i=12(0+i1)|+i\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle + i|1\rangle)i=12(0i1)|-i\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle - i|1\rangle)

Quantum circuit gates can be visualized as rotating the state vector (the red arrow) in the bloch sphere. Here are some examples:

  1. Pauli-X Gate (NOT Gate):

    • Rotation: π\pi radians (180 degrees) around the X-axis.
    • Effect: Transforms the state 0|0\rangle to 1|1\rangle and vice versa. On the Bloch sphere, it flips the state from the north pole to the south pole and vice versa.
  2. Pauli-Y Gate:

    • Rotation: π\pi radians (180 degrees) around the Y-axis.
    • Effect: Applies a complex phase and swaps the states 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle. For example, 0|0\rangle becomes i1i|1\rangle and 1|1\rangle becomes i0-i|0\rangle.
  3. Pauli-Z Gate:

    • Rotation: π\pi radians (180 degrees) around the Z-axis.
    • Effect: Leaves the state 0|0\rangle unchanged and adds a phase of π\pi (equivalent to a factor of -1) to the state 1|1\rangle.
  4. Hadamard Gate (H Gate):

    • Rotation: This gate performs a more complex transformation, equivalent to rotating around the axis at 45 degrees from both X and Z axes, followed by a π\pi radian rotation around the Y-axis.
    • Effect: Creates superpositions from basis states, turning 0|0\rangle into 0+12\frac{|0\rangle + |1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} and 1|1\rangle into 012\frac{|0\rangle - |1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}, which is the +|+\rangle state.
  5. S Gate (Phase Gate):

    • Rotation: π2\frac{\pi}{2} radians (90 degrees) around the Z-axis.
    • Effect: Leaves the state 0|0\rangle unchanged and multiplies the state 1|1\rangle by ii.
  6. T Gate:

    • Rotation: π4\frac{\pi}{4} radians (45 degrees) around the Z-axis.
    • Effect: Leaves the state 0|0\rangle unchanged and multiplies the state 1|1\rangle by eiπ/4e^{i\pi/4}, which is a more subtle phase shift than the S gate.

And some parameterized gates:

  1. RX Gate:
    • Rotation: θ\theta radians around the X-axis. It can be represented as a matrix multiplication between the unitary gate matrix and the quantum states, the gate matrix is:
Rx(θ)=[cos(θ2)isin(θ2)isin(θ2)cos(θ2)]R_x(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) & -i\sin\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) \\ -i\sin\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) & \cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) \end{bmatrix}
  1. RY Gate:
    • Rotation: θ\theta radians around the y-axis:
Ry(θ)=[cos(θ2)sin(θ2)sin(θ2)cos(θ2)]R_y(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) & -\sin\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) \\ \sin\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) & \cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right) \end{bmatrix}
  1. RZ Gate:
    • Rotation: θ\theta radians around the z-axis:
Rz(θ)=[eiθ/200eiθ/2]R_z(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i\theta/2} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\theta/2} \end{bmatrix}

And much more.


Every gate is represented as an unitary gate matrix, e.g. the Hadamard Gate:

H=12[1111]H = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 \end{bmatrix}

Also, there are double-qubits gate, for example the CNOT (Controlled-NOT) gate:

CNOT=[1000010000010010]CNOT = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}

Controlled gates mean if the first qubit is 1|1\rangle, then the gate (NOT in this case) on second qubit will be performed. There are even triple-qubits gates, like the Toffoli gate (a.k.a. CCNOT), which has a 2n×2n=8×82^n \times 2^n = 8 \times 8 size gate matrix.

If you have a quantum states, say 10 qubits, and you want to apply a specific gate on a specific qubit, you can use the Kronecker product to construct a 2n×2n2^n \times 2^n gate matrix and apply it to the quantum states, for example you want to apply the Hadamard gate on the 4th qubit:

ψt+1=ψt×(III12[1111]IIIIII)|\psi_{t+1}\rangle = |\psi_t\rangle \times (I \otimes I \otimes I \otimes \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix}1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1\end{bmatrix} \otimes I \otimes I \otimes I \otimes I \otimes I \otimes I)

II is the identity matrix, i.e. [1001]\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}

These quantum gates are crucial in constructing quantum circuits for algorithms, where each type of gate contributes to manipulating the qubit's state in a controlled manner to achieve various computational goals.

Simulation with Qiskit

Qiskit is an open-source framework for quantum computing. It provides the tools for creating quantum circuits, simulating them, and running them on real quantum hardware through IBM's cloud services.

Setting Up Your Environment

To start using Qiskit, make sure Python is installed on your machine, then install Qiskit and Qiskit Aer, which includes simulators that run on your local machine.

pip install qiskit qiskit-aer pylatexenc

Single Qubit Operations

Building the Circuit

We'll begin with a basic single-qubit circuit to demonstrate sequential gate operations that include rotations and a phase shift.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit_aer import Aer
from qiskit.visualization import plot_bloch_multivector

# Initialize a Quantum Circuit with 1 qubit
qc_single = QuantumCircuit(1)

# Apply rotation around the X-axis
qc_single.rx(3.14159 / 4, 0) # Pi/4 rotation

# Apply rotation around the Y-axis
qc_single.ry(3.14159 / 2, 0) # Pi/2 rotation

# Apply a Z gate

# Visualize the circuit
print("Single Qubit Circuit:")

Calculating the Expected State Vector

The state vector undergoes a rotation by π/4\pi/4 radians around the X-axis, followed by π/2\pi/2 around the Y-axis, and finally, a phase shift due to the Z gate.

Simulation and Output

# Prepare the simulator
simulator = Aer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')

# Transpile the circuit for the simulator
transpiled_qc = transpile(qc_single, simulator)

# Run the simulation
job =
result = job.result()

# Get the final state vector
statevector = result.get_statevector()

# Plot the state on the Bloch sphere

Multi-Qubit Operations

Building the Circuit

We will construct a five-qubit circuit with a combination of entanglement, rotations, and phase shifts to demonstrate the interplay of different quantum gates.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit_aer import Aer
from qiskit.visualization import plot_bloch_multivector
from math import pi

# Initialize a Quantum Circuit with 5 qubits
qc_multi = QuantumCircuit(5)

# Apply a Hadamard gate to qubit 0

# Apply a CNOT gate between qubit 0 and qubit 1, 1)

# Apply a rotation around the X-axis by pi/2 on qubit 1
qc_multi.rx(pi / 2, 1)

# Apply a T gate to qubit 2

# Apply a CNOT gate between qubit 1 and qubit 2, 2)

# Apply a rotation around the Z-axis by pi/4 on qubit 3
qc_multi.rz(pi / 4, 3)

# Apply a Hadamard gate to qubit 4

# Apply a CNOT gate between qubit 4 and qubit 3, 3)

# Apply a CNOT gate between qubit 1 and qubit 4, 4)

# Visualize the Circuit
print("Five-Qubit Circuit:")

Calculating the Expected State Vector

Now let's calculate the expected state vector after applying the specified sequence of gates:

  1. Initial State
    Operation: All qubits start in 00000\lvert 00000\rangle.
    State now:

    00000. \lvert 00000\rangle.
  2. After H(0)H(0)
    Operation: A Hadamard on qubit 0 creates an equal superposition of 0\lvert 0\rangle and 1\lvert 1\rangle (for that qubit).
    State now:

    12(00000+10000). \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigl(\lvert 00000\rangle + \lvert 10000\rangle\bigr).
  3. After CNOT(0,1)\mathrm{CNOT}(0,1)
    Operation: Qubit 0 is the control, qubit 1 is the target. If qubit 0=1, flip qubit 1.
    State now:

    12(00000+11000). \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigl(\lvert 00000\rangle + \lvert 11000\rangle\bigr).
  4. After RX(1,π2)\mathrm{RX}\bigl(1,\tfrac{\pi}{2}\bigr)
    Operation: A rotation by θ=π2\theta=\frac{\pi}{2} around the xx‐axis acts on qubit 1. Recall:

    Rx ⁣(π2)0=12(0i1),Rx ⁣(π2)1=12(i0+1). R_x\!\Bigl(\tfrac{\pi}{2}\Bigr) \lvert 0\rangle = \tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bigl(\lvert 0\rangle - i\,\lvert 1\rangle\bigr), \quad R_x\!\Bigl(\tfrac{\pi}{2}\Bigr) \lvert 1\rangle = \tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bigl(-\,i\,\lvert 0\rangle + \lvert 1\rangle\bigr).

    Since the state so far is 12(00000+11000)\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\lvert 00000\rangle + \lvert 11000\rangle), applying RX(π/2)\mathrm{RX}(\pi/2) to qubit 1 in each term yields four basis states:
    State now:

    12(00000    i01000    i10000  +  11000). \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11000\rangle \Bigr).
  5. After T(2)T(2)
    Operation: The TT gate adds a phase eiπ/4e^{i\pi/4} if qubit 2 is 1\lvert 1\rangle. Here, in all four terms above, qubit 2=0\lvert 0\rangle, so this gate has no effect.
    State now (unchanged):

    12(00000    i01000    i10000  +  11000). \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11000\rangle \Bigr).
  6. After CNOT(1,2)\mathrm{CNOT}(1,2)
    Operation: Qubit 1 is the control, qubit 2 is the target. If qubit 1=1, flip qubit 2.

    • 0100001100\lvert 01000\rangle \to \lvert 01100\rangle.
    • 1100011100\lvert 11000\rangle \to \lvert 11100\rangle.
      State now:
    12(00000    i01100    i10000  +  11100). \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01100\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11100\rangle \Bigr).
  7. After RZ(3,π4)\mathrm{RZ}\bigl(3,\tfrac{\pi}{4}\bigr)
    Operation: A rotation by π4\tfrac{\pi}{4} about ZZ on qubit 3 adds a phase to the 1\lvert 1\rangle state of that qubit. However, qubit 3=0\lvert 0\rangle for all four terms, so only a global phase results (which can be ignored).
    State now (unchanged up to global phase):

    12(00000    i01100    i10000  +  11100). \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01100\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11100\rangle \Bigr).
  8. After H(4)H(4)
    Operation: A Hadamard on qubit 4 (the rightmost qubit) transforms 0(0+1)/2\lvert 0\rangle\mapsto(\lvert 0\rangle+\lvert 1\rangle)/\sqrt{2}. Each existing term with qubit 4=0 splits into two terms.
    State now:

    122(00000+00001    i01100i01101    i10000i10001  +  11100+11101). \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle + \lvert 00001\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01100\rangle - i\,\lvert 01101\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle - i\,\lvert 10001\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11100\rangle + \lvert 11101\rangle \Bigr).
  9. After CNOT(4,3)\mathrm{CNOT}(4,3)
    Operation: Qubit 4 is the control, qubit 3 is the target. If qubit 4=1, flip qubit 3.
    State now:

    122(00000+00011    i01100    i01111    i10000    i10011  +  11100+11111). \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle + \lvert 00011\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01100\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01111\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10011\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11100\rangle + \lvert 11111\rangle \Bigr).
  10. After CNOT(1,4)\mathrm{CNOT}(1,4)
    Operation: Finally, qubit 1 is the control and qubit 4 is the target. Whenever qubit 1=1, flip qubit 4.
    State now (final):

    122(00000  +  00011    i01101    i01110    i10000    i10011  +  11101  +  11110). \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \Bigl( \lvert 00000\rangle \;+\; \lvert 00011\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01101\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 01110\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10000\rangle \;-\; i\,\lvert 10011\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11101\rangle \;+\; \lvert 11110\rangle \Bigr).

This eight‐term superposition (up to any global phase) is the final state of the five‐qubit system after all gates have been applied.

Simulation and Output

# Prepare the simulator
simulator = Aer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')

# Transpile the circuit for the simulator
transpiled_qc = transpile(qc_multi, simulator)

# Run the simulation
job =
result = job.result()

# Get the final state vector
statevector = result.get_statevector()

# Plot the state on the Bloch sphere

Tasks you may do

  1. Implement Shor's Algorithm for finding the prime factors of an integer.
  2. Implement Grover's Algorithm for an unstructured search that finds with high probability the unique input to a black box function that produces a particular output value.